The Commonwealth Society is a great place to be.  Not only there are awesome people that will love to work with you and they are great bunch of guys and gals. And if you want a great debate, go there. The region is the fastest growing in the NS.  Due to it being so active.

If your a NS player, not to be taking you away from your region.  Go and check CWS, I am sure you will not be disappointed.  For those that wish to join the NS.  If your not recurited by the founder Stenbeck or the appointed Minister in the Cabinet, then be sure to click on the links below and it will take you straight there. 

If you wish to be an ally, just go into the forum, or click below and telegraph the Minister of Foreign Affairs and he/she will help you out.

If you want to get invovled this is also a great place to be in.  You get to have a chance to be in charge, and be a part of the CWS. 

For me, being a first time player for the NS.  It was awesome, I have nothing but respect for the Crew in CWS, because they made me feel so welcomed.  Trust me, if you join, you wont regret it.  You will love it. 


Minister of Defence - 08 till 6 August 2008


To the Commonwealth Society, were the Confederate of Ruana resides;

Regional Website:

Regional Newspaper:

Regional chat:


Regional Radio:

 2395 Cyprian Pave, Edina – Empire of Aeto. THE BEQUEATH HOME FOR THE CWS HEAD OF STATE
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